Sri Lanka Women's Aid: Rana Plaza Explained

We interview our partners Sri Lanka Women's Centre on the 10th Anniversary of the Rana Plaza Building Collapse.

We are on a mission to empower female garment workers and promote economic justice. That’s why we are proud to partner with Women’s Centre Sri Lankaa grassroots organisation that empowers women and girls working in the garment sector in Sri Lanka.

Their mission is to ensure women’s rights by empowering workers subjected to oppression, violence and injustice, providing knowledge and leadership skills that enables them to challenge gender-based discrimination.  We interviewed them on the 10th Anniversary of the Rana Plaza Disaster about garment worker justice and how to end violence against women in the sector.

1. What was the impact of the Rana Plaza collapse in other countries such as Sri Lanka? 

2. What is happening in Sri Lanka currently to garment workers and why is it a global feminist issue?

3. Tell us about the project The Circle and Women’s Centre Sri Lanka are collaborating on to support garment workers and how those facing violence are being supported?

Women’s Centre is partnering with the Circle for the past 2 years and our project is a great opportunity for us to strengthen women workers/survivors of gender-based violence who are working in the garment industry through awareness raising, networking, advocacy, and psychosocial support.

4. What can I do to support garment worker justice?