Sri Lanka Women's Centre
Empowering garment workers to end violence and abuse in Sri Lanka.
We are thrilled to be working in partnership with the Women’s Centre Sri Lanka, a grassroots organisation that empowers women and girls working in the garment sector in Sri Lanka. Together we are on a mission to empower female garment workers to amplify their voices and end the violence they experience daily.
The garment sector in Sri Lanka employs many women, many who are very young, and who often come from rural and poor-economic communities. Female garment workers are often living far from their support networks, families and friends, and are particularly vulnerable to harassment whilst living in boarding houses, and in fear of losing their jobs.
Estimates show that 85% of garment industry employees in Sri Lanka are women, yet the harsh reality for women working in this industry is that they are subjected to widespread violations by their employers and they are highly vulnerable to gender-based violence by their employers, supervisors, boarding house owners and other men living and working around the garment factories. The Sri Lanka Women’s Centre, which was founded in 1982, defends the rights of female garment workers and liberates them to stand up to violence.
We interview our partners Sri Lanka Women’s Centre on the 10th Anniversary of the Rana Plaza Building Collapse.
“The world’s attention was focused on the garment workers. This had an impact on Sri Lanka as well, that special attention should be paid to the safety of employees, and brands were influenced to confirm the safety of the buildings before placing orders…”
Read the whole piece here.
Your Donations Will
Help provide counselling and education for young women and girls working in the garment sector workers who have been victim to gender-based violence
Support leadership training for activists who wish to support their colleagues who have become victims of all sorts of violence
Fund vital awareness raising campaigns that will encourage more women to speak out against the endemic violence and discrimination they face
Contribute towards educational sessions on the CEDAW/ILO -C190 Convention for female garment workers